Research Symposium
Research Symposium
International Research Symposium on Management
5th International Research Symposium on Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences on
He highlighted the importance of faculties asfacilitatorsin molding the mindset of student for a great future ahead. Many experts from Industry, academia delivered the speeches on various aspects of Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences.There were three Technical Sessions, where participants have presented their research papers. The selected papers are published in Journals bearing ISSN. The two day Symposium was concluded withthe valedictory function by an eminent guest Dr. M. B. Shaik who spoke about how education and their facilitators work towards the growth of this sector, and adopt themselves to the changes and accept the challenges in the growing market.
4th International Research Symposium on Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences on 21st September 2013

When brilliant minds, attitudes and talents come together to form one goal – expect a masterpiece’ We are organising 4th International Research Symposium on Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences on 21st September 2013 at Hotel Aurora Towers, Pune. Your active participation and presentation of paper in this Symposium will certainly provide an opportunity to contribute innovative ideas.
3rd International Research Symposium on Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences : Kolhapur 18th & 19th October 2012

“Globalization in Education will lay challenges in front of Institutes and faculty members and they should be well geared up for Global Classrooms” Mr. M. B. Shaikh, an Industrialist, stated at the inaugural function of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences held in Kolhapur on 18th Oct. 2012, organized by Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research, Pune jointly with Choice Institute of Management Studies & Research. He further addressed that Learning is a continuous process and it should not be restricted in four walls. He also motivated the learned audience how they should imbibe values in students. He expressed his gratitude for all the learning’s he gained in his life from teachers, principals, friends, students, children and even his spouse. Among the eminent speakers Mr. C.S Doli, also divulged his success mantra “Work is Workship”.
The International Speaker, Mr. Ernesto Barbosa Molina from Bolivia emphasized on shaping the mental structure of students to live up in this competitive world. He shared his experiences of working as a football coach, and he finds similarity in playing football and the management education. He added, the game of football is not only to kick the ball but also it is linked with the thought process of the players. Thus the focus is to direct the thinking of the players to achieve a common goal. Similarly in management education, it’s a high time now for faculty members to work in a global team and direct their thinking towards global education.He highlighted the importance of faculties asfacilitatorsin molding the mindset of student for a great future ahead. Many experts from Industry, academia delivered the speeches on various aspects of Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences.There were three Technical Sessions, where participants have presented their research papers. The selected papers are published in Journals bearing ISSN. The two day Symposium was concluded withthe valedictory function by an eminent guest Dr. M. B. Shaik who spoke about how education and their facilitators work towards the growth of this sector, and adopt themselves to the changes and accept the challenges in the growing market.
2nd International Research Symposium : Mumbai 15th April 2012

“Sincerity and auxiliary efforts by faculty members will only lead the higher education to survive in knowledge based economy” Dr. Abhay Wagh, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Higher & Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra stated at an inaugural function of 2nd International Research Symposium on Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences held at Mumbai. He further addressed that higher education is based on four important pillars viz. Board of Governors, Director & Faculty members, Syllabus and Students. The demands of current economy should be met by adding quality to the education with collaboration of Industry and Academia. The Symposium was jointly organized by Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research and Choice Institute of Management Sciences & Research on 15th April, 2012 at Indian Merchant Chamber in Mumbai. Many experts from Industry, academia delivered the speeches on various aspects of Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences. Among the eminent speakers Dr. Farooqui, Principal, Rizvi College, Mr. Shailesh Vyas, Manager – IT FedEx Logistics also discussed their continuing drive to further enhance efficiencies and their contribution towards sustainability. The Symposium witnessed by 150 attendees across the globe. There were three Technical Sessions, where participants have presented their research papers. The Symposium was concluded with brief speeches by Dr. Farooq Waris, Principal, Burhani College and Dr. G. Y. Shitole, Dean, Faculty of Commerce, SNDT University. They threw lights on the significant factors of good research and the changing role of Engineering and Management Teachers.
1st International Research Symposium on Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences

The International Research Symposium was organized jointly by Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research & Choice Institute of Management & Research on 23rd and 24th Nov 2011 at Aurora Towers which witnessed 375 participants comprising of academicians, managers, researcher scholars, industry, clients and consultants from all over the world. This international research symposium on Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences was a firm fixture for those at the forefront of new ideas & practical application in various industries. The objective of this symposium was to provide a platform for scholars doing research in the fields of Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences. Inauguration of the programmeme was done by lighting of the lamp by Key note speaker Mr. Ketan Wanjara, Chief guest Mr. Sandeep Barve, Guest of Hon. Mr. Ankush Bhosale, Shri. Ganpatrao Balwadkar, Shri. Sagar Balwadkar, Dr. Anwar Shaikh, Dr. Sajid Alvi and Prof. Tahir Shaikh. There were two eminent international speakers, Dr. Aha Ke Lim from Malaysia & Mr. Foutui from New Zealand who gave international exposure to the audience. In two days, ten technical sessions on various subjects, viz. Marketing, Finance, HR, Technology, Electronics, Computers & Engineering Science were conducted. The conference provided a forum for dissemination of research findings, practices and techniques in various fields among academicians and practitioners through publication of quality papers in referred journals.
- ISSN 2249 – 7455 – International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences.
- ISSN 2249 – 7463 – International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences.